Client Values & Approach

Zimmertec Defined

Zimmertec AG is an operational consulting firm with offices spanning the globe. We focus on global supply chain implementation and purchasing, transportation logistics and distribution, sales and marketing improvement, and manufacturing efficiency – and we tie this all together with our proprietary skill-based training. While that’s our functional practice line focus, our true focus and passion is our clients. It always has been and always will be.

At Zimmertec our commitment to our clients is simple, We will do whatever is necessary to ensure your success”.
– Dariusz Klopp

The foundation of Zimmertec is built on three primary client values: an Unwavering Commitment, an Unsurpassed Process developed over the past twenty years, and a track record of always delivering Superior Results.

Our practice is focused on the operational business activities of manufacturers and distributors that have some of the greatest impact on your bottom line:

  • Global Supply Chain Implementation and Purchasing Management Consulting
  • Transportation and Logistics Consulting
  • Sales and Marketing Consulting
  • Skill-Based Training Consulting

We bring an innovative, hands-on, proven approach to helping clients reduce costs and increase sales. Zimmertec AG professionals are motivated, dedicated and highly skilled. Our partners and managers bring consulting experience that creates real, measurable, and guaranteed results. Companies seek the assistance of business consultants for a variety of reasons. We at Zimmertec believe our clients expect us to deliver results, plain and simple. Not fancy studies, not hypothesized strategies. That’s why we say, “Guaranteed results from the best consulting team in the business,” and we deliver!

But don’t take our word for it. Ask to talk to our clients and hear for yourself what they have to say about us.

We’re different from the rest and proud of it.

Unwavering Commitment

Our Dedication
The Zimmertec AG commitment means that we work smarter, harder, and better than you ever thought any consultant would. Smarter means that we are committed to always striving for continuous improvement and doing things right the first time. Harder means that we are committed to getting more and better results every time we undertake a task or process. Better means that we work to exceed your expectations and deliver significant financial results. Guaranteed.

Partner Involvement

Commitment is also measured by the depth and breadth of experience. With Zimmertec, you are assured that the partner on the project will remain involved beyond just the proposal and the final report. Our partners spend more of their time in the field by double than their counterparts with other consulting firms. A Zimmertec partner adds experience and value to the engagement throughout the project, while also acting as a real business partner. We are different from the rest and proud of it.

Side-by-Side Implementation

Zimmertec AG’s side-by-side involvement with your people will create a revitalized and re-energized workforce. Because our philosophy holds that you cannot shrink your way to success, you employees quickly realize that Zimmertec’s involvement is not a prelude to downsizing. Our people will show yours how our process approach will help them achieve greater impact through their own efforts.

Lifetime Relationships
Our clients are our partners. We believe this means we must improve the client’s processes, people, and procedures in a way that will live on long after the project is complete. The Zimmertec commitment is never-ending and all-encompassing.

There is only one team – the winning team!

  • “Business Insanity: Keep doing what you’ve always done and expect to get different results.”

    Tom Peters
Unsurpassed Process

An uncompromising focus on quality execution.

Our process is both simple and complex. It’s simple because it is focused on dramatically improving your bottom-line results. It’s complex in that it involves scores of interrelated, detailed steps that have been developed over our 40 years of real life applications. Our process is unique in that it focuses on several critical success:

  • Data Benchmarking
  • Skill-Based TrainingSupplier/Customer Presentation
  • Process and Implementation Quality
  • Use of Cross-Functional Teams

Data Benchmarking
We know that incredible opportunity lies in complexity. We have the people, the skills, and the experience necessary to get to the details in a timely and effective manner. We are painstakingly thorough, with a process that guides us to the right details at the right time in the right functional areas to ensure our clients will achieve superior results.

Skill-Based Training
As the data begins to take shape, we provide intense skills training for you, the client. We are convinced that training is the key to continued success, that getting it right on the practice field is the surest way to get it right in the real game. The Zimmertec approach is to ensure that your personnel are not simply watching us implement. We want your organization to be able to undertake it in our absence. We strive to work ourselves out of a job. Not many consultants can say that!

Selling your Company’s Story
Our process includes the key step of selling your company’s story to your suppliers or customers. Over time we have found that this step is critical to obtaining initial buy-in and, in turn, achieving the greatest results from our process on your project.

Success is a process. Not an event. At Zimmertec, it’s a way of life.

  • “When every physical and mental resource is focused, one’s power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.”

    Norman Vincent Peale

Process and Implementation Quality
Many companies have similar plans and ideas, but the difference in results is in the quality of their implementation. Our process includes more steps executed in greater detail with a higher level of quality than any of our competition.

It’s all in the Process. Operational Consulting isn’t necessarily about databases, spreadsheets, or even benchmarking Best Practices. It’s about Processes–consultants and clients working together to solve problems and convey complex information through processes and systems that are functional and can be implemented, with bottom line results.

We know that it doesn’t matter how good your idea is if you can’t implement it. We bring the technical tools necessary to ensure that ideas become opportunities, that opportunities become possibilities, and that possibilities become results.

Cross-Functional Teams

We also bring a broad perspective to our engagements by creating cross-functional client teams that include all areas of expertise required by a given engagement. At Zimmertec, we involve your specialists and ours from the start, rather than bringing them in only when their particular skills are needed. That means that all of your people have a more thorough knowledge of our processes and how to implement them. It may require that we develop more areas of competence in your people than is strictly called for, but we think this is essential to ensure that you get the best possible answer, and proven, long-term sustainable results from your efforts.

Zimmertec skill based practice field training ensures perfect execution

  • “Performance Anxiety is to confuse looking good with being good.”

    Peter Drunkler
  • “Education does not mean teaching people to know what they do not know; it means teaching them to behave as they do not behave.”

    John Ruskin
  • “Competencies are more important than traditions.”

    Jack Welch
Superior Results

We know that our process works because for 40 years we have seen our clients achieve real, sustainable bottom-line improvement on every project. We see it work with large and small companies. We see it work in a wide range of industries, and we see it work across a variety of organizational cultures and structures.

Improved Processes
Not only do we deliver real dollar improvements, we analyze and improve your ongoing processes to focus activities by your people on the highest impact areas. We ensure that your people are putting time and effort in the right areas rather than trying to do the wrong things more efficiently.

Improved Workforce
Our intensive skill-based training and side-by-side implementation process mean that your people become increasingly competent and confident in these new processes. Major results continue as they are able to perform these processes and methodologies on their own, long after we’re gone, further improving your productivity and financial results.

Measurable, Sustainable Results

Our focus on the operational areas of your company means the results can be measured in real dollars against past performance. Consider that since the supply chain represents 60%-80% of a typical manufacturer’s cost structure, a 10% reduction in supply chain costs can bring a 40%-50% improvement in before-tax profits. And because your organization retains and applies our process, the results are sustainable over the long-term.

Guaranteed Results
Our process and methodology have been proven to deliver superior results in all types of industries and organizations by the fact that our clients have achieved actual savings that are historically many multiples of our fees on an annualized basis.

We have had a long and successful history of generating significant bottom-line financial results. Historically, over the last 40 years, our results have proven to be a multiple of our fees. We don’t just claim this, we guarantee it. In our sourcing engagements, if we don’t meet or exceed the savings guarantee, Zimmertec will pay the difference. In all of our years of client service, we have never failed to deliver our savings guarantee.

Mastering data, making decisions, measurable sustainable results beyond the bottom line.

  • “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”

    Vince Lombardi
  • “There is no gain without pain.”

    Benjamin Franklin
  • “Those who make changes now will be better equipped to compete – and prosper – in the years ahead.”

    Phillip Cosby
  • “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

    Henry Ford

Let’s do this

Take the next step by learning more about Zimmertec AG’s capabilities and qualifications. To request information or arrange a face-to-face introduction, simply fill out the form below .