Klaus KöhlerCommercial Manager


Klaus is an experienced leader in operational management consulting focused within Global Supply Chain, Mergers & Acquisitions and Data Analytics. Klaus has led large transformation projects for multiple Fortune 500 clients.

Areas of Expertise

  • Global Strategic Sourcing & International Procurement
  • Mergers & Acquisitions (pre-deal and integration)
  • Data Analytics
  • Make vs. Buy Analysis
  • Procurement Process Design & Implementation
  • Staff Optimization; Roles & Responsibilities
  • Organizational Design – Procurement/Sourcing
  • Training
  • Logistics
  • Private Label Strategy

Key highlights

  • Klaus has been providing global supply chain services for Fortune 500 companies across Manufacturing, Engineering / Construction Services, Retail, Power Sports, Oil & Gas, Food Services and many other industries which has garnered over $750M in operational savings.
  • Ensured operational readiness for the opening of the client’s International Procurement Office (IPO) for a Fortune 100 food distribution company. Detailed and executed playbooks for multiple functional area (Procurement, HR, Finance, IT, Facilities, Workforce Transition) to ensure the IPO was operational for Day-1. In addition, created and delivered an operational roadmap for the IPO’s first five years of operations, identifying over $100MM in operational benefits.
  • Established and executed an integration playbook for $3B retail company to ensure Day 1 readiness for the client’s acquisition target. The acquisition enabled the client to have sourcing and distribution capabilities for the first time. In addition, helped develop the long-term sourcing, private label, and distribution strategies.
  • Developed and executed a strategy for a Fortune 500 auto retail and distribution company to unbundle and identify cost savings from its inbound freight. Initiative focused on purchases from its top 30 suppliers (~$2.5B) which identified over $40M in annual cost savings.
  • Fortune 500 manufacturing conglomerate, consolidated global metal spend ($500MM+) across 16 separate operating companies. Achieved measurable cost savings (over 10%), and service enhancements from the implementation of strategic sourcing alliances for Metals (carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium, and copper) despite rising commodity costs.
  • $1B commercial refrigeration company, strategically sourced 9 different direct material categories ($100 MM): evaporator coils, condensers, unit coolers, condensing units, wire racks, refrigeration valves, plastic extrusions, plastic sheet & fabrication and electrical components (over 20% savings).
Professional background

Prior to joining Zimmertec, Klaus was a Principal at PRGX’s Advisory & Analytics practice and worked in Deloitte’s Manufacturing and Supply Chain group.

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Finance | Indiana University – Bloomington

Favorite Quote

Let your game speak

Michael Jordan


Klaus enjoys traveling and exploring new places.  He is also an avid golfer and skier.

Favorite Thing About Working at Zimmertec

The people that I have the privilege to work with on a day-to-day basis – the great people we have at Zimmertec and the exposure you receive to client executives.

Bjorn JanBlake Ber