Uwe KulucurManager of Training


Uwe is an experienced instructor in Business Skill-Based and Executive Business Training as well as an experienced leader within operational management consulting focused within global supply chain for manufacturing & logistics. Uwe has helped develop and lead courses focused within Purchasing Methodology, Executive Communication, Site Visits and Negotiations for over 500 client team members and has led several direct and indirect client category teams through Zimmertec’s 11-Gate Process.

Areas of Expertise

  • Business Skill-Based Training
  • Executive Training
  • Global Strategic Sourcing & International Procurement
  • Logistics
  • Project Management

Key highlights

Uwe has coordinated & led over 50 client weeklong training workshops for over 500 client attendees on a variety of executive and business subject areas.

Uwe has assisted in facilitating cross-functional client teams in the attainment of over $150 million USD in savings, identifying over $500 million USD in strategic sourcing opportunities for both Direct & Indirect Commodities.

Professional background

Prior to joining Zimmertec, Uwe was a Technical Recruiter at Collins Consulting where he recruited highly technical individuals to assist with complex technical and highly secretive government positions.

  • BA Communications| University of Colorado at Boulder

  • Business of Sports Certificate| University of Colorado at Boulder

Favorite Quote

Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal. It is the continuation of hard work that counts
Winston Churchill

  • Chicago Sports
  • Water Polo
  • Travel
Favorite Thing About Working at Zimmertec

It’s hard to pick just one favorite thing about working at Zimmertec.  From my smart and hardworking colleagues, to having the opportunity to meet equally talented client team members across the globe – I truly enjoy every day working at Zimmertec. Every day is a new challenge and a new opportunity to learn with the best of the best and improve individually and as a firm.  I love that at Zimmertec the “Best Idea Wins,” which I have personally seen implemented several times during my tenure here, and has been a longstanding principle at the firm. 

Jonathan VoltaStuart Hester